23 November 2006

Big questions

Something to look forward to on WIN TV tonight:
Big Questions (35 mins, Rated: M) Genre: Entertainment
Elton John v Billy Joel. Australia v New Zealand. Batman v Superman. These
and other big questions will be discussed, debated and determined by a guest
panel of celebrities. Hosted by Jules Lund.
It's got to be Elton John every time. Billy Joel has no talent whatsoever and should never have won a Grammy.

I can remember when Elton married his wonderful wife in Australia many years ago. I felt so inspired. What ever happened to her - Renata or Renae???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what relevance this "australia vs new zealand" question has for tasmania - is it because so many seachanging australian baby boomer and dole bludging kiwis have moved here?

and anyway, didn't superman die from getting stuck in a wheelchair after falling off a horse - cleary batman could beat a dead guy.

sounds like a crap show

10:53 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be watching "The Floating Brothel" on channel 2. Don't know what it's about but it's an interesting concept for a new line of cruise ships I'm thinking of starting.

1:39 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about Tang vs Orange Juice. That would be something worth debating.

2:39 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh branson, youse gotta keep outta da brothel business or I be sendin my nephew round punk.

5:13 pm  

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