08 August 2006

A new career?

This job advertisement was in The Mercury on Saturday.

While I have been very happy with my job as a public servant for many years perhaps this is my true calling.

I will have to update my CV and send it off to Alan Parsons.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whitey -

Does it concern you that it will cost 50 cents to send your CV ?

Do you have any tips for your followers on how to send something in the mail without buying a stamp ?

4:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am extremely concerned that one of my most dedicated, hard working and committed public servants is considering applying for this job.

I have instructed the Treasurer to grant you a 25% pay rise.

5:00 pm  
Blogger Whitey said...

Snail mail,

Can't you send mail through work?

If not, keep a look out for used stamps where the postmark has missed the stamp. These can be easily steamed off and re-used.

My other approach is to visit acquantances who have kids that collect stamps. Pretend to be interested and ask to have a look at their collection.

They won't notice if a few stamps go missing.

11:12 am  
Blogger Whitey said...

Premier Lennon,

I hope this isn't a joke.

11:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a friend called Craig who hand delivers his mail and saves 50 cents every time. I must admit that at Christmas he's spewing cause he only saves 45 cents.

1:05 pm  

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