20 January 2010

Literacy in The Mercury

From The Mercury today:

Teachers in boycott bid


January 20, 2010 06:10am

TEAHERS have threatened to boycott literacy and numeracy testing unless the publication of league tables is outlawed.
The Australian Education Union federal conference yesterday unanimously passed the recommendation to boycott the implementation of NAPLAN in May "unless satisfactory measures are introduced to stop the future creation and publication of league tables".

Who would have thought The Mercury would make a spelling mistake in the first word of the article?


Anonymous Maxwell Markson said...

what's with the last two posts Whitey - you making a bid to get on Media Watch?

10:02 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:30 am  
Anonymous Confused said...

Dear Anonymous,

I once had a dump... you were a dump... coincidence?

7:42 pm  
Blogger Susannah said...

yes, whitey, who would have thought it? they usually scatter them more evenly throughout the article.

But why such attention to detail? Is someone paying you a fee for every curious media error you find?

12:13 pm  
Blogger Whitey said...

I have been spammed again!

At least this one is obviously dodgy - and they are not paying me a cut.

8:08 pm  
Blogger Whitey said...

Now I have been spammed in Japanese!!!

8:03 pm  

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