10 May 2007

Frugality of words

Bear with me on this one as it takes a bit of reading.

The following is a disclaimer on the back of an Aurora Energy (local energy retailer) document:

Information published in this activity booklet does not represent the policies of Aurora Energy Pty Ltd ("Aurora") or Kidsafe (Tasmanian Division). The information is not intended to be advice and is general information only.

Whilst every endeavour is made to ensure the information contained in this activity booklet is accurate and up to day, Aurora/Kidsafe assumes no responsibility in relation to accuracy of the information or the consequences of any person relying upon any information. Much of the information is provided to Aurora/Kidsafe by third parties. Aurora/Kidsafe makes no claim as to the accuracy of any information provided by third parties, or in respect of information contained in the links provided to internet sites or the information on those sites.

The information in this activity booklet is not adapted to any particular person's circumstances and therefore cannot be relied upon to be of assistance in any particular case. Unless specific provisions of legislation are quoted, Aurora/Kidsafe does not make statements of law in relation to any matter. If you wish to know the law you should either go to the relevant legislation or obtain advice from a qualified professional such as a solicitor.

The document that this disclaimer appears is a children's colouring in book. As to getting advice from a solicitor, perhaps that could be useful if someone else borrowed your book and went over the lines with their blue pencil.

No wonder my power bill is so high.



Blogger Lonie Polony said...

Get your kids the free supermarket colouring book. They can skip the fine print and fill their little heads with subliminal advertising instead.

9:45 pm  

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