01 September 2006

Control orders

It is good to see that the government has put a control order on Jihad Jack Thomas to stop him phoning Osama Bin Laden. That should keep us all safe at night.

The next step should be to put a control order on all those charities that keep ringing me asking for money. Charity begins at home, I say.

If you want to give me a donation, you know where to send it.


Blogger Food Kitty said...

my 5 cents worth is in the post...

9:30 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Can I do a donation of goods instead ?

I am organising a 44 gallon drum of hair growth oil to be sent your way.

9:48 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having seen Attack of the Killer Tomatoes I wonder why various types of fruit weren't on the list.

5:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's happening with the Hawks playing in Devinport whitey - still no word from your contacts?

5:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about gelignite jack murray - there should be a control order on him - all that driving about blowing stuff up - the man's a menace!

12:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and gelignite jack is dead which also seems to be a prerequisite for attention by the AFP

1:56 pm  

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